The Bishopstrow Way

The Bishopstrow Way results in an independent learner with a well-balanced range of interests, knowledge and experience of the boarding routine and rules, and a set of key skills valued by boarding schools.

The key components of The Bishopstrow Way are as follows:

  • English Language (EFL): At Bishopstrow College, English language is the main element of the curriculum. We have designed a programme specific to our EFL students’ needs, supporting their development in a variety of areas of English language use that will be crucial when they move on to a mainstream school in the UK.
  • Subject Support: Designed over a number of years by our experienced teachers, this module covers English language within the context of a range of subjects.  Students learn how to read, write and discuss elements of History, Business Studies, Science and Geography.  They learn the language of these subjects, as well as the linguistic skills required to study them at their appropriate Key Stage.
  • Core Academic Subjects: Our students study Mathematics, Sciences and Humanities in syllabuses that mirror the topics and skills studied by students in mainstream schools, but adapted in order to enhance the experience specifically for EFL learners, ensuring that the content and skills required to successfully study these subjects in a British school are aligned with the specific linguistic skills required for non-native speakers of English to access a range of subjects in British schools.
  • Physical Education and Activities: Students follow a carefully designed Physical Education and Activities Programme that operates every day of the week.  The approach is supportive, carefully introducing even the less naturally athletic students to the level of physical exercise that is typical in boarding schools.  A diverse range of activities, including cultural activities, indoor games, “the great outdoors”, academic talks, films, drama and dance provide students with a flavour of boarding school opportunities.
  • Cultural and Boarding Immersion: The day-to-day life of boarding is a dramatic change for any new boarder, and even more so for new international boarders. As our focus is entirely on the needs of EFL learners, Bishopstrow staff know what to look out for, plan for and support.  It might be getting used to morning routines before school and making sure they are ready for lessons, understanding the laundry system, or learning what is expected in the dining hall.