Payment Information

  • A non-refundable Registration Fee of £150 payable upon submission of the Application Form. Applications can be processed only upon receipt of all documentation and receipt of the Registration Fee.
  • An offer of a place for your child at the College is accepted by returning a signed copy of the Acceptance Form.  In addition, the deposit must be paid within 3 weeks of the date of the Offer Letter.
  • Full fees, after all bank charges, must be paid at least 8 weeks before the commencement of the term or start of the course.  A student will not be permitted to join the College until all fees due have been paid. For offers made within 8 weeks before the start of the course, full fees will be due 2 weeks from the date of the Offer Letter. Funds will be processed net of any bank fees.
  • Each term’s fees are charged separately and the fees payable in respect of each term fall due for payment 8 weeks before the start of term.
  • In order for the College to issue supporting documentation for a Child Student visa application, fees must be paid in advance.  The amount payable in advance ranges from the equivalent of fees for one term, up to fees for all terms, subject to individual circumstances.
  • Parents are responsible for the payment of the fees.
  • The College requires notice, in writing, no later than 8 weeks before the start of term, if a student wishes to withdraw from the College.  If such written notice is not received, then the following term’s fees become payable.
  • We review our fees annually and may increase them. Notice of an increase in the fees will be sent before the end of the penultimate term before the increase is to take effect. This will allow parents time to consider the increase and, if they wish to withdraw their child from the College before the proposed increase is set to take effect, they have sufficient time to provide the required notice of withdrawal to the College.
  • The Fees are subject to our Terms and Conditions.
  • Bishopstrow College has partnered with Flywire by Peer Transfer, to provide an easy and secure method of sending international fee payments. This is our preferred method of payment, as it ensures that Bishopstrow College receives the full amount. Payments should reference the invoice number to ease reconciliation. Please click here to learn more about the exchange rates provided by Flywire and their Best Price Guarantee programme.